A thermostat is the only component that can alert you to the status of your HVAC system. Therefore, it’s critical to have one that’s in proper working condition. Here’s how you can know when to replace your thermostat in Baton Rouge, LA.

The HVAC Unit Refuses to Turn On

When your HVAC system refuses to turn on, this is a clear indication of a malfunctioning thermostat. When the thermostat is working properly, your heating and air conditioning systems should easily turn on and switch between heating and cooling modes with ease. Failure to do so is a sign that your thermostat needs replacement.

Thermostat Delays Its Response to Temperature Changes

Selecting a different temperature setting should prompt the thermostat to change instantaneously. The device produces a slight click when it changes from heating to cooling or vice versa. If the HVAC system doesn’t come on soon after this change occurs, it’s time to replace the thermostat.

Your Utility Bills Are Rising

If you’re paying extra for electricity, your thermostat may require replacement. This means that your thermostat isn’t sensing temperature changes correctly. When this happens, you should consult an expert to inspect the system and advise you whether to repair or replace your thermostat.

Thermostat Has Served You for Over 10 Years

The thermostat will eventually become obsolete, just like the other components in your HVAC system. As a general rule, thermostats for residential use have a lifespan of roughly 10 years. Some may last longer, depending on the manufacturer and the routine maintenance of your HVAC system.

Fall is the right time to prepare your HVAC system for the coming winter. For thermostat replacement or to learn about the latest in home control and automation, schedule an appointment with our team at Central Heating & Air.

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